Monthly Archives: October 2009


He has been faithful

He is gracious

He is jealous for me

He loves us when we aren’t so loveable

He helps us stand, He fights for us

He sees he innermost parts of our being

He is patient, kind, steadfast in His love for us

Our provider, our Healer

He is the lifter of our head, He wants us to come and sit with Him in the shadow of His wings

He is our refuge and redeemer

He is the delight of my children’s songs

He is the wonder of Christmas

A father to the fatherless

A lover to the lonely

He sees in us what we could never see ourselves

He entrusts us with Himself, with His Word

We are His delight. He loves us, oh how He loves us.

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A man cannot redeem himself— redemption is the work of God, and is absolutely finished and complete. And its application to individual people is a matter of their own individual action or response to it. A distinction must always be made between the revealed truth of redemption and the actual conscious experience of salvation in a person’s life.–Oswald Chambers.

That was today’s blurb on here.

Redeem: to repurchase, repair, restore, fulfill

I’ve thought a lot about life. While I was lying in bed not being able to sleep, the Lord reminded me of my babies I lost. The pain and emotions, everything that was little or small about it. And how I am still going through that grieving process. I’ll be honest, I thought it would go away. Not the memory, but the grief. It does get easier, but it’s still there, deep down inside. I now realize that and there are other things that I will be ‘peeling the layers’ back on to reveal what it is that is needing to be repaired and restored. Healed and fulfilled in my spirit, heart, and life. It’s exciting but scary. To walk in that. To be vulnerable. There is wisdom in wise counsel, and this is what I will be doing.

A sweet little 1o year old girl was killed while crossing the crosswalk last weekend. I didn’t know her, but knew her family from when I was in King’s Kids at YWAM. We are the body of Christ. She was a light for Jesus. I was reminded yet again, how tragedy pushes you. It makes you move when you don’t want to. It can also paralyze you in your tracks. It also is the opportunity for the Lord to work in YOU what He needs to for His glory. The testimony as a result will change so many. How He has to literally be your breath, your strength, your hands and feet. Out of such pain, comes the beauty. And I love how we see Jesus in their loss. I pray that in our losses, in our joys, in our lives, that we could learn to be real, authentic, not afraid to peel the layers back and see what God is ready to redeem.

Life. Death. Hope. Joy. It’s a journey. You were equipped for it. You were made for such a time as this. We will rise above it and continue to look ahead and expect amazing things from an amazing God.

And Olivia Ray is in heaven with my three angels. Wow.

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