Monthly Archives: December 2008

So, I saw this frame at hobby lobby this week and I almost cried b.c it’s perfect. Literally. This isn’t the picture I have planned for it. Although the H’s are true miracles, I have a specific miracle I am believing and trusting for….and, well.

I have really struggled today with anger. Yep, it’s there. This has never been something I’ve had to struggle with, and I continue to rely on the Lord to help me process and guard my heart. But it’s an anger that gets your blood going……so I’ve struggled since last night with that,  and heard this song Sunday. Last night from working late at the office until midnight, I came in the car and it was on again. THEN, this morning, yet again. I know that as cheesy as it sounds, it just spoke to my heart and encouraged my soul in a way I so needed at all those specific times.

Being on our knees until there’s an indention in the carpet. Waiting in the silence. Waiting. Expecting miracles.


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David Harbin Laney.

The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy,He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. ~ Zeph. 3.17


Dear Harbin,
You were born today. 2 years ago. You were supposed to come on the 7th of January and we were going to have you on the 2nd, but you wanted to be here sooner.

Your daddy and I prayed for the right name for you. The name that we knew the Lord wanted for you. You got to be named after your great grandpa, your bopa, and your daddy. A man after God’s own heart. And Harbin, a glorious warrior. We knew that you were going to be that for your King.

You are such a joy. You melt my heart with your sweet smile and hugs that knock me over when you run into my arms. I love it when I put you in your bed at night time and I say it’s time to pray, and you repeat ‘pray’ and your sweet little hand reaches down to grab mine. We pray to Jesus and say ‘amen’ when we’re done. I pray you never forget to talk to your Father in Heaven who loves you and knows your heart.
That the love you have and give so freely would spill over to others as you grow older. That they would see Jesus in you.

There were days this past year, that were yucky and God knew that I needed a sweet little guy to say ‘How you’ or blow me a kiss and give me a hug. There were days when you were really sick and were blessed with a wonderful doctor and nurse who knew what to do…and you are such a fighter and are so determined, yet, your sweet spirit and easy goingness, it was hard to tell how sick you really were. We continue to speak health and wholeness to your body…..

Your smile makes me smile and I love how you love your sissy. I know she can be a little in-your-face at times, but she loves you so much and is so thankful you’re her brother.

Harbin, above all, I pray that you know how very much you are loved. Not only by me and daddy, and your nana’s and bopas and aunts and uncles, but by Jesus. He is Your everything when there’s nothing. And He loves you because you’re His. He takes great delight in you. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. I know you will be a warrior who stands for the truth and fights for what is right. I pray that as He leads you in the way you are to go, that you would walk humbly with Him. That you learn that you have authority in Jesus to speak life. To speak truth and that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. Keep singing and dancing…He sees. And knows.

You are a treasure. You have a beautiful spirit and a sweetness that radiates. We are so proud of you and who you are becoming. I know you’re only 2, but I know that God has a great calling for you…and I know these gifts you have aren’t just to have, but to use. I’m excited to see His purposes in you being fulfilled as you come to know Him. There are so many other things I want to say to you, but for now, just know that I’m so grateful you were born. God knew. In so many ways, He knew.
And I’m so thankful for who He is making you to be.

I love you always,


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So my day pretty well stunk. Crazy at work. Crazy (sweet), hyper kids, and something else that pretty well just about sent me over the edge.
I added this to my links b.c it seems each time I remember to look, it blesses my heart and speaks to the very heart of me.
Check out today’s about faithfulness. A good reminder and encouragement.
Pretty sure this last part is part of my post….Jesus forgive me for complaining….thank You for working in and through me despite the days like this……You are good.
The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own Son.

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Today’s Oswald Chambers.

Whenever we experience something difficult in our personal life, we are tempted to blame God. But we are the ones in the wrong, not God. Blaming God is evidence that we are refusing to let go of some disobedience somewhere in our lives. But as soon as we let go, everything becomes as clear as daylight to us. As long as we try to serve two masters, ourselves and God, there will be difficulties combined with doubt and confusion. Our attitude must be one of complete reliance on God. Once we get to that point, there is nothing easier than living the life of a saint. We encounter difficulties when we try to usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit for our own purposes.

God’s mark of approval, whenever you obey Him, is peace. He sends an immeasurable, deep peace; not a natural peace, “as the world gives,” but the peace of Jesus. Whenever peace does not come, wait until it does, or seek to find out why it is not coming. If you are acting on your own impulse, or out of a sense of the heroic, to be seen by others, the peace of Jesus will not exhibit itself. This shows no unity with God or confidence in Him. The spirit of simplicity, clarity, and unity is born through the Holy Spirit, not through your decisions. God counters our self-willed decisions with an appeal for simplicity and unity.

My questions arise whenever I cease to obey. When I do obey God, problems come, not between me and God, but as a means to keep my mind examining with amazement the revealed truth of God. But any problem that comes between God and myself is the result of disobedience. Any problem that comes while I obey God (and there will be many), increases my overjoyed delight, because I know that my Father knows and cares, and I can watch and anticipate how He will unravel my problems.

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the cool kid.

so, i was tagged. never before have i been tagged, and i was. i thought maybe there was another kara, BUT, alas, just me. a certain creative someone tagged me to post the 4th photo in my 4th album…

Monkey Harbin

I tag Steph b.c i just had coffee with her tonight….jessica, and christy.
4th photo of your 4th album…good times.

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I heard this today…

What beauty is love, even in loss.
For Love is as Strong as Death.

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I so needed this today…..Just when you think you are…you aren’t.


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