Monthly Archives: October 2006


Mmmm, reminds me of a song. Anyway, yesterday was a good day. Haven and I went to work for a bit and then off to the DR. as posted below. We then went to eat at my favorite place, McAlister’s with Micah, which happens to be like 3 minutes away from the clinic. Then Haven and I went to a baby store, where I got a 76.00 credit for returning a diaper bag I didn’t plan to use. Not sure what I will buy, but I did get a little Razorback cap for the ‘boy’, who I hope will be able to wear it home from the hospital. We still have yet to get him a ‘going home’ outfit. After a few other errands, we came home and last night I finally, successfully outbid 8 other people on eBay and got a brand new, still in the box, CHI hair straightener. (a 160.00 value and I got it for 57.00) Quite exciting if you know how my hair is and how it doesn’t stay straight with my current straightener. (although I am very thankful for it too) So, my first attempt at buying off of eBay and I did pretty good. I think I could get used to this, plus it’s like a competition (and if you know me, I am SO there on the competiveness) to see how long you can wait to the very last second to get your bid in before someone else outbids you. I must admit, I tried and failed 4 times before, and it was literally down to the last few seconds. ANYWAY, quite fun to do, if not to just look on there and see what they have.


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so when I said that I was ten weeks last week, I was so just kidding. I actually have 10 weeks to go as of tomorrow. I went to the DR. today and baby L has a good, strong heartbeat and is moving like Ms. Haven did. (I’m a bit worried—she’s on the move all the time now too) Anyway, we were not able to schedule a C-section for the end of December, due to my DR. advice, so we will schedule it at the beginning of January, my actual week of my due date. (unless he decides to come before the new year) Other than that, all is well, just having to go every two weeks until week 36.
Have another shower this weekend, I am so excited! Mainly to see all my friends I haven’t seen in awhile, but to get fun stuff too! So that’s a baby update AND I got all my thank you notes out from my last shower at Micah’s work. (about 40) So I am all caught up until this weekend.:)
YAY! That feels good. Now it’s time to figure out when we are going to start on the transformation of the room……YIKES!

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Grey’s Anatomy Anyone????

Okay, anyone else really mad that Grey’s was a rerun last night? They showed the first episode of this season. THEN, they toyed with us by playing another Grey’s right after that one, and I thought it would be a new one, but alas, it was the SECOND one of the season. What is up with that? I still watched it though as Patrick Dempsey is pretty hot, so it all evened out I guess.:) Off to a date night with my hubby.

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Blue Everywhere

It looks like the color blue threw up in our living room at the moment. We had another baby shower today at Micah’s work. There were a lot of people I knew from when I worked there before Micah, and there were a lot of new people that Micah works with now that I didn’t know, so it was really fun. Honestly, as of right now, I am quite overwhelmed. We got a TON of stuff, which is so neat and we feel totally blessed and loved. It was so fun to go through and separate out clothes, ect. We did get a pair of black Nike Shox for the boy, among other fun things! I am starting to get really excited!!:)

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This is the number of weeks I have left, at the most! Agghh! Today I have been cleaning like a maniac. (Haven is home today from school with a cough still) So, it’s been kind of fun to get a bit organized and ‘nest’ a bit. I haven’t done that much yet. I cleaned out drawers in the kitchen this morning, our infamous junk drawer, and our medicine drawer, which had meds from when Haven was a newborn. A bit scary, but it looks great now!!:) When Haven takes a nap, I will be doing our closet….now THAT will be a project. Haven/baby L’s closet is good to go and I have gotten some of his clothes washed and put in the dresser already. I can’t believe I will have another little one that can fit into those tiny clothes. Now all he needs is a name…….any suggestions would be great.
Off to lay down with Haven and rest and then clean the closet……


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Random Things

If you know me at all, you know I’m quite random. Here are a few examples:

**asking Micah if we can put up our Christmas tree at least once a week for the past two weeks
** blogging about the fact that I just got the new coffee creamer Mint Chocolate Truffle (which is soooo good!)
**the big 1-0–the number of weeks that I have left until baby L gets here (which poor kid still has no name yet)
Okay, so that’s not very many things, and I was thinking that this title would take me in a different direction, but alas, it did not. My apologies.
BUT, I do have 4 Christmas presents bought already (a first in our household to even start before November). 4 down, a batrillion to go!!

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Copelands, Promenade, and Cookies

We had a great weekend, and are still continueing to enjoy it. Saturday, I had my first baby shower that my sister in law, Kelley, threw for me. It was fun and I enjoyed just chatting after opening some good presents. Then, we went to the new Promenade mall in Rogers, it was fun, but really cold, as it was OUTSIDE. We were going to eat at PF Changs, but it was a 2 1/2 hour wait (at 4:30) so we opted for Copeland’s after we left. It was SOOOO good! We only waited for 45 minutes….:) Baby L was so hungry by the time we actually got our food, but it was worth the wait.
Today, we stayed home from church b.c Haven had a yucky cough and Micah wasn’t feeling well either….it was a good day of rest. I made some chocolate chip cookies this afternoon and am looking forward to eating some tonight with a hot cup of hot chocolate. I love this weather and this time of year, when baking is so much more fun!:)

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Fall Leaves

Yesterday Haven learned about the leaves, and how they turn colors this time of the year and fall to the ground.
Haven: ‘Mom, guess what?!!!? When the leaves fall on the ground, you can put them all in a pile and jump in them. AND you can put water on them and jump in them with water!’
Me: ‘Isn’t that awesome Haven?? Your uncle Brian and I used to do that when we were little and we would throw them at each other’.
I could tell she was processing this new bit of information, but now she is looking for leaves at our house (that haven’t fallen yet) and wanting to put them in a pile.
It’s so amazing how I didn’t realize that that was something we had never talked about: the color of the leaves, ect.
I got to her school a bit early to pick her up yesterday and got to go in her class and ‘observe’. Everyone was so cute. I made it a point to scope out a certain little boy. His name is Ethan and one days she said
‘Mom, this boy in my class, Ethan, he’s my friend and he’s cute’. Of course I knew she wasn’t talking ‘romantically’ (at least I hope not) but he was so cute! Blonde spiky hair, very sweet. All the other little kids were sweet too and it was fun to see how they interacted together and with their teachers. I am so thankful for this school and for all that Haven is learning.

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Okay, so I am officially on now. I have several people I know that are on there, that aren’t on blogger, and I want to be able to keep up with them. I am still trying to figure out how to navigate, but here’s the address for anyone interested:
I will still be keeping up with this one as well…….:)

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It was a great weekend. We started off with the Razorback game. This was the first football game that Haven has gone to, so we took some pics to commemorate the occasion. No game would be complete without the following: hot dogs…..

The marching band doing the ‘A’….
And pictures with the fam…


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