Monthly Archives: December 2005

After Christmas

We had a great Christmas day(s) with our family. A bit crazy, but good. Haven is still at that age where too much activity kind of wears on her and she gets a bit cranky (a LOT cranky with no naps, ect.) but she enjoyed it all.
I took the tree down on Monday, and it felt good!! When it’s over, it’s over.:) I am ready for a new year, a new year of blessings, expectations, and I’m sure a few surprises. I am exepcting BIG things for our family.
Micah and I have already made our list of ‘goals’ for this next year, so that’s been good. We have told each other that we don’t want to call it ‘resolutions’ but goals that we intend on fulfilling by the coming year.
Other than that, I have been working and Haven has been coming to the office with her cousin Cambron as they both are not in school/Katherine’s this week, so it’s been interesting.:) They always have fun together and are two peas in a pod! They are sleeping now! Other than that, nothing much going on.
Keep believing,

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Okay, this is fun. A bit scary since I am 50% of b…

Okay, this is fun. A bit scary since I am 50% of both!!

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle –
You do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don’t actively fight them.
You’re just you. You don’t try to be what people expect you to be.

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Happy Christmas

Have a Happy Christmas! I’m sure I’ll post before the New Year. Have a safe a fun time celebrating Jesus!

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A silly hat

This is one of my favorite pictures, thus far. It was taken a few months ago while Haven was showing me the hat she made at Ms. Katherine’s house. They had a party and made hats when she pooped in the potty.:) Of course, we are still working on that, but we are so thankful that Ms. Katherine is so creative and thoughtful to do that! She sure had fun making them with Kyle and Megan!
Almost ready for Christmas. I am having trouble trying to figure out what to make for Christmas lunch. My mom and dad are coming over for Christmas this year. It’s the first time ever that we haven’t had it at their house, so I am excited. If you guys can think of something yummy (and quick and easy) to make, please let me know. I am out of ideas….
Other than that, I am ready for Christmas and am excited to spend time with my family.
Keep believing,


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This weekend

We had a good time this weekend. It was quick, but good. We went to my family’s and Micah’s family’s Christmas Saturday and then left for Branson and Silver Dollar City. We went to SDC yesterday and saw all the Christmas lights and some little Christmas shows they had there. There were a TON of lights, I think they said there were over 4 million or something like that. We stayed until about 5 and then it got too cold!! A highlight of our day was when we saw a gentleman that worked there who was older and had a long white beard. We were standing around trying to fix her coat and he walked by and said ‘Hi sweetie’. She said hi back and then he walked on a bit. She said ‘Mommy, is that Jesus?’ I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Just the innocence of a 3 year old. She also said yesterday that daddy was her best friend and I wasn’t.:)Went to the outlet stores and got some good deals. Micah got a really nice work shirt that was 35.00 and we got it for 10.00 at the Gap. Haven and I didn’t find anything though….blah. Good weekend, ready for this week to be over.:) Snowed a little bit this morning, put me more into the Christmas spirit.
Thank you Lord for a new day in You and for all the things that You are going to show me.
Keep believing,


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Ate me some good Bueno

Went to Bueno Taco Bueno today for lunch with my sister Kelley. Good stuff and cheap. My hubby probably wouldn’t like it, but it was great to me!
Another funny Haven saying she said last night out of the blue was ‘That’s a bad deal mommy’. I cracked up!!! We weren’t even talking, she just said it!
We are going to do the family Christmas this week for both sides of the familia. The Laney side tomorrow morning at 9 and then the Bonner side (my mommy’s side) tomorrow at 11 in the morning. Then we are off to Branson for Saturday evening and Sunday to hang out with my parents, do a little shopping, and go to Silver Dollar City to see the lights. Should be a fun time for all.
Take care and keep believing,


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In the words of a Haven

Our sweet daughter Haven is the funniest girl. She has been saying things lately that just crack us up. A few of those things are:
‘Mommy, look at the pretty Christmas lights. God MADE those’.
‘I’ll wake up in just a minute mommy’.
As she looks at the smoke in the sky, coming from a building, she says ‘Mommy, I am waving at the oven over there’.
‘When I get as tall and big as you, I can go to ‘that’ school’ (meaning high school)
‘Guess what mom?! Did you know that you can pray when you are scared?’
I did my hair curly this morning and she noticed and said ‘Mommy, your hair is so cute’.
Micah and I were just commenting last night how she is just growing up and starting to say more and more things.
What fun!
Keep believing,


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Going to the chapel….or church

We went to my brother in law’s wedding this weekend. It was beautiful and Haven did a good job fulfilling her flower girl duties. She threw flowers from a red satin purse that matched her dress sash, and she did a great job, however, when she got on stage, she began to pick them back up again.:)The reception was beautiful and my wonderful husband and I got to dance together. Very fun! Stephanie was beautiful and JM was as well. It’s so exciting to see two people become one in the Lord. It’s hard to believe that Micah and I got married when JM was like 12!! God is so good to provide us with our spouses, it just reminds me of what a true miracle from the Lord it is!
In other news, we found out this weekend that my brother and his wife are expecting!! I will be an aunt, for the first time on my side of the family!!!! Yay. Be praying for a healthy pregnancy and for my sister in law, Jill, to start feeling better.
Thank you Lord for the miracles!!
Have a great Monday and keep believing!


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I have to testify

I have to testify about how great our God is! Tuesday afternoon Haven was complaining about her neck hurting, that she had fallen and hurt it. We put a band aid on it and I put her down for her nap. When she woke up, she couldn’t move and when she did, it hurt. She didn’t want to get up and walk, she wanted me to carry her. So I carried her to the couch and we watched movies for awhile. It seemed every time I would move, she would cry b/c it hurt so much. I called the pediatric clinic and they said it was probably just a crick, give her some Motrin, and that if she starts getting a fever or throwing up, to take her to the ER immediately. I called both my moms and they said there could be a concern of meningitis. (which is what the clinic had said, but didn’t actually say meningitis or I probably would’ve freaked!)So we had several people praying, our community group leaders and a few dear friends and family were interceding for us! She did fine and Wednesday went to Miss Katherine’s house. Her neck was still a bit sore and she cried when I put her shirt on that morning, but otherwise she was good. Katherine called yesterday afternoon and told me that she was complaining that her neck hurt and Katherine took her temp and it was 99.5. I went ahead and made an appointment with the clinic and we were able to get her in fairly quickly. Mind you, I was prayin and reading scripture this whole time and even before I found out she had a fever, I was nervous all morning, just worrying. I knew that the Lord had her in HIS hands and she was HIS. Beth Moore had just spoke on Tuesday morning about how Satan gets us where we are most vulnerable. (for me fear and discouragement) I just didn’t want anything to happen to my baby. We went to the clininc and they said that it was her muscles in her neck that were tight and felt like ‘ropes’ and to put a warm wash cloth on her neck and continue to give her Motrin. If she did have meningits, it would coincide with a high fever and throwing up, and that she would probably not be able to move her limbs. (she was crawling on the floor and table in the clinic) Anyway, God is good! We are praying and believing for the healing of her neck and the muscles. The Lord gave me several scriptures when I opened the Word yesterday. I usually don’t just read whatever verse I open up to, but yesterday, my brain was so frazzled, that that was all I could do, and He just really spoke! Psalm 46 and Psalm 145. Thank you God for who you are in our lives and for how you continually keep us in Your hands, no matter what the outcome!!
We have a wedding to go to this weekend, so pray all goes well and for Haven’s health.
Keep believing,

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This song

I have had this song in my mind a lot lately. The Lord has really been ministering to me through this song. I am not sure who wrote it, or really who sings it, but we sang it at church lately and then my sister in law let me borrow a worship CD and then this song was on it!!!!! And with all the craziness lately in the Laney household, this is a good reminder of just standing in Him and in trust.

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost it’s grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Brought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

Be ministered and keep believing,

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