Monthly Archives: January 2006


This is my dear friend Kristin with her sweet family. Jesse, holding Nathan, Jackson, and Zachary. They are so dear to me and our family.

Weekend was good, except the HOGS lost to Kentucky in Rupp Arena by two, after being ahead 18 points.

I have another friend from Wal-Mart whose brithday is today. Happy Birthday Tonya. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today and I am so thankful you were born!

My Haven is sick. She has the yucky cough and stuffy nose. We are praying to goes by quick and doesn’t linger! Other than that, a great weekend! We ended it last night with a bowl of popcorn and an episode of Little House on the Prairie. (Haven and I) It is the only movie that isn’t a cartoon that I enjoy watching with her.
Have a great Monday! Thanks Kristin for the picture! Glad you guys had fun this weekend!


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Happy Birthday Carla!

My dear friend’s birthday is today. She was a dear friend that I worked with at Wal-Mart, and although we are very close, she lives in Pineville Missouri now. I miss you Carla! It was good to talk to you this morning and hear your voice. I haven’t forgotten about you, even though we don’t see each other as much as we would like. I am praying for you and you are always in my heart!

It was time for a change on my blog, hence the different template. My hubby found this new site that has free blogger templates. (see link to the right) He’s so stinkin’ smart!!

Yesterday, my mom dropped Haven off at the office and we went home early. She said ‘Mom, Gage (our dog) was sad today.’ I said ‘Why, Haven?’ She said ‘Because, he missed us today, but I took care of him’. (they stayed at my house until my mom dropped her off) Then she said, ‘Mom, Nana G wasn’t sad today because I took care of her. Mommy, I’ll take care of you.’ Agghh, the sweetness of a 3 year old. She can sure turn it on when she wants to!

God, thank You for Haven and the sweet words she says to uplift and encourage me. Thank YOU for speaking through her and please help me to speak You into her life on a daily basis.

Carla, happy Birthday and I love you. I am so thankful that you were born today!!

Believing Him,


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Must have sleep………………..

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since January 8th. I’m exhausted, yet I can’t turn my brain off and quit thinking. I lay down to sleep and even wait until late at night (11:00) and still it doesn’t allow me to fall asleep. And then my sweet Haven has been getting up each night at 2:00 and coming and sleeping with her mommy and daddy. She is all over the place, thus, I am unable to really sleep. (this morning at 2:00, she needed a drink of water and after we got back in bed, she said ‘Mommy, can I go play in my room?’) She finally fell back asleep. I then take her in her room to sleep in her bed and she does good until she hears her daddy getting ready for work around 6:00. So, between that and my struggles, it’s been an insane few weeks. But God is getting us through it and sustaining me. I need to start taking vitamins…I stopped taking my prenatal vitamin, but I need to start it back again. Plus, it will help my hair and nails grow…..and hopefully give me some more energy.
Believing Him,

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On a different note…

I know this is a lot to post in one day, but it’s been one of those days. I am missing my baby, being pregnant, all the things that go with that…’s amazing that, although it wasn’t with me for that long, there is that instant ‘connection’, a bond that is so indescribable, I won’t even try. I don’t know if it’s the weather today or just me, but man, it’s all of a sudden heavy on my heart. I was thinking today about how the nurse in the hospital gave me a number to call for a share group for ladies of have suffered loss of this type, and I just can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t feel like I can share my heart and feelings with complete strangers, no matter if they are in the same boat or not. I guess it’s no different than what I am doing now, for all the world to read, but I guess it’s different too than being face to face. I don’t know, I just don’t think that’s for me at this stage of the game. I do tend to be a more private person and have never been good at sharing feelings, emotions, ect. openly to others. I remember my mom always having to sit down with me ‘to talk’ and then she would end up saying ‘Okay, Kara, if you aren’t going to tell me what’s going on, we are going to sit here until you do’ And my sweet mom would sit there for hours literally, until I could do it. I just wanted it to come out right and make sure I said it the right way, so I would sit and think about how to say it rather than just saying it. But I have always been more of a ‘thinker’ than a talker. Just ask Micah. I will think something and then just tell him and he’s like ‘Where in the world did that come from?’ And it’s usually something that has absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about at the moment.
Okay, I suppose I am now officially rambling, but it’s one of those days and I just needed to ‘talk’.
I am so thankful for the ministry that the Lord has placed within Darlene Zschech. Her music has ministered to me so much lately. Another song that I have been listening to every time I get a chance today.

Holy Holy
I will bow before
My Lord and King
You have come to us
You make all things new

Jesus Christ
You'll never let me go
My Shepherd King
You'll never let me go
My Sheperd King
You're watching over me

So amazing
You have named the stars
Of the deepest night
Still You love me
You have called my name
I will follow You

Holy Holy
God Almighty
There is none like You
Holy Holy
God Almighty
There is none like You

Thank you Lord for the reminder--You will NEVER let me go and
You're watching over me all the time!
I love you Jesus.


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Oh, for the love….

I don’t know about you, but American Idol is my favorite show ever!!That, along with Grey’s Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, and One Tree Hill. So, I guess I don’t have just one favorite, these are all my favorites!
A lot of these shows aren’t in my ‘age range’, but I sure do like watching them. We actually download these shows from our computer, so we get to watch it the next day. So, we watched American Idol last night, we watched both the Tuesday night and the Wednesday night episodes, and it, as always, was hilarious. Micah and I like to watch it together after Haven is asleep. We laugh so much together and they say ‘laughter is medicine for the soul’, or something like that. It has definitely been good to laugh these days. Micah was a bit onery last night, but I like that in him. It makes me laugh when he laughs. God is so good to send me a provider, my best friend EVER, a man who loves me like Christ loves the church. Thank you Jesus for Micah. Thank you that He is yours, that You are working and growing Micah to be who You want him to be. Thank You for speaking to his heart today.
I pray that I wouldn’t take this for granted and truly love on my husband and let him know how much I appreciate and honor him.
Okay, not sure how it got from A.I. to my sweet hubby, but both are great and make me laugh, so there you go.

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A Poem

It was so hard for me to see why

I had to let you go and say goodbye.

I only knew you for a little while,

In that little time, you made me smile.

I had such a strong sense of you inside me,

It was hard for me to finally see;

That you were truly gone and I wouldn’t get to see you,

But Jesus wanted you with Him and He knew.

That your life was His and He wanted you more.

To hold, and love, to cherish, and adore.

As I process through the loss of you,

It helps me know you are with the other two.

There are three of you with Jesus now,

Through the loss of you, I can find out how.

To go through the losses, yet still remain,

Steadfast and believing, His Word I’ve claimed.

To speak that which the Lord has spoken over me,

That He is my Redeemer and Satan has to flee!

The name of Jesus, where every knee will bow and every tongue confess,

That He is the Lord and in Him I can express.

What’s deep down inside, that no one else can see,

I don’t have to hide, He knows the real me.

I am not the same person I was before,

He is molding me and refining me to be much more.

He gives grace to the humble, and strength to the weak,

Bringing glory to Him is what I seek.

I know as I go through this journey of life,

It won’t be without pain, sorrow or strife.

All I know to do is be in Jesus and believe,

That God is who He says He is and He will never leave.

He takes hold of my right hand and says ‘Do not fear’,

He takes my burdens on Himself and wipes away every tear.

My heart will ever seek after Him; I will seek Him first,

For Him alone do I truly hunger and thirst.

I consider all things a loss compared to knowing my King;

In truth, I’ve lost nothing; through Him I will sing.

A song to my Father for all He’s done,

I claim victory, although the battle’s already won.

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Haven and Cambron

Cousins and best friends…..

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Our Mouths

Yesterday in my Bible Study we learned about our mouths and how we can INHALE the Word and then EXHALE (speak it). How Satan can’t read our minds, but how he trembles and flees when we SPEAK the Word! It is always so good to be reminded, and I for one struggle with speaking out anyway, but truly speaking scripture over my family, Haven, ect. Also to be challenged to write down on index cards the verses the Lord gives us for the different seasons in our lives. That is on my to-do list this week. It would be so awesome to be able to speak it with Haven and talk and memorize them together in the car, at home, ect.
I also heard of a great idea of speaking scripture into your children. Instead of saying ‘Haven, don’t do that, ect’ instead maybe say ‘Haven, God has given you self control, you need to use it’ or something along those lines.
I am just learning daily about how the Lord wants to work in and through us and how far I have to go as His daughter…….
Keep believing,

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God is good

God is good. We had a great weekend. I got my haircut Saturday afternoon-needed a fresh start and I really like it. It’s pretty short, but I am enjoying it so far. On our date Saturday night, we went to see Casanova with Heath Ledger and then we went to eat at Outback for Micah’s birthday. Yummy! Yesterday, Micah was born 28 years ago and Haven and I are so thankful for him. We got a birthday cake from Rick’s. That is my favorite place for breakfast and for goodies. They are so yummy. Micah enjoyed his cake and Haven and I sang Happy Birthday before he blew out his one candle.:) Then he is off today, so he is enjoying himself at home while I am working and Haven is at Ms. Katherine’s.
I do have to testify to how good God is. I got an e-mail from a lady, who I now consider a dear friend, but someone who I didn’t know very well. My aunt and cousin Erin know her very well and they go to the same church. We were introduced to each other a few times here and there, and our daughters are only a few years apart. But I was so blessed the other day when she sent me an e-mail telling me that she was praying for me. And that she understood where I was at. I know that doesn’t seem like a whole lot, but for me, it was huge! The Lord knows what I need and I needed that this weekend especially. I was just thinking this weekend how quickly things can change. On Friday the 14th, I thought, wow, a week ago, I was pregnant, and now I’m not. A week ago yesterday, I found out I wasn’t pregnant, so it was a good/bittersweet weekend, but I know the Lord has something awesome in store for the Laney family and we are believing for great things!
Keep believing and thanks Allison.

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In the midst of our circumstances

I have had a crappy few weeks and I have been relying on the Lord for His strength to get me through each day. I have been listening to Darlene Zschech and Hillsong Music every day now for the past few weeks. In the car, at home when it’s me and Haven before Micah gets home, at work. Anyway, I have been wanting the new one for a while now, and didn’t get it for Christmas, so went ahead and bought it for myself. It’s called God He Reigns. Every time I get a new one of these live worship albums, I say they are the best yet, and they truly are. Every one I get seems to minister to me right where I am at. I am learning more and more to worship IN and THROUGH my circumstances and not focus on the circumstance, but on the Lord. For whatever reason, He has chosen this and I am praying and getting in the Word, trying to see just how He wants to use me and glorify Himself through this process. Our third baby is with Him now, we found out this past Sunday and although, it hurts, I know that there is hope and I have the Lord, so that is everything that I need. He wants Himself glorified above all else, no matter what the desire of my heart is. Although I know He wants to give me those desires, but in His timing.
God has been so good to allow me to have my sweet Haven and I realize now just what a true miracle from Him she is. She prayed for me while I was waiting in the hospital Sunday for the lab results to tell me wether or not I was still pregnant.
When you lose something, you are always reminded of what you do have and how important that becomes and what a true miracle life is. We are still trying to process through and grieve, but each day is a new day and His mercies are new every morning. He gives us strength when we have none and it is made perfect in our weaknesses. We are going to be running some tests here in the next month to try and determine the reasoning behind having 3 miscarriages in a row, and I am just belieing that teh Lord will allow us to find something out. We aren’t going to give up on having another baby–just need strength in the losses and that we would be able to see clearly how He wants to glorify Himself through Micah and I to bring others to Him.

We love you Lord. Thank you for all you have done in our lives and for all you are going to do. We believe that You are who You say You are. You are going to do what You say You are going to do. I am who You say I am. I can do all things through You. Your Word is alive and living in me.
We trust and believe that You work all things together for YOUR good. Thank you Jesus for Your hope in me.
‘For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you Do not be afraid for I myself will help you your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.’
Isaiah 41:13-14
Believing You,


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